If You Want to Build a Culture of Trust,
You Have to Shift the Conversation
“Martha and John have a better handle on what needs to be done in the trust category than anyone I’ve encountered. And they are just really good at what they do!”
Culture Shift Agency helps leaders build cultures of trust, collaboration, and care by working with the power of conversation.
We work with teams, boards, groups, and individuals in corporations, organizations, non-profits, and communities.
Being a #fullyremote team means we have to be that much more intentional about connecting & communicating.
Then, in walks Martha Williams & John Scilipote of Culture Shift Agency and their new BreakBread – an intentionally facilitated #virtualexperience that allows work teams to go beyond the usual #teambuildingactivities and connect on a deeper level.
The entire experience was customized to our needs and provided a container to be creative, open & vulnerable with one another!”
Shifting into a culture of trust, collaboration, and care is no easy feat.
Because the vestiges of old power structures still run under the surface of conversations.
In a quickly changing digital world, remote and hybrid work can create communication barriers to dealing with the conflict inherent in collaboration.
Collaboration is highly complex and solutions that oversimplify collaboration can cause more harm than good.
You have to work at the level of conversation!
If you want to shift culture, you need to cultivate the emergence of richer relationships through the power of deep, meaningful conversations. You need…
Ongoing consistent practices and spaces where people can nurture lasting relationships with more presence and awareness.
Guidance to help move conversations beyond the purely transactional toward more respect, depth and meaning.
Tools and skills to help team members show up more fully claiming more agency, autonomy, and power in day-to-day and work conversations.
Coaching and office hours to support you on your journey by igniting insight and powerful generative change.
Shifting paradigms, building culture, and nurturing relationships that last require repetition over time.
According to MIT Sloan Management Review, Jan 2022
“Toxic culture is the #1 reason employees are unhappy & leave.”
“Every time two people talk with honesty and mutual understanding, they change the world by a minute amount; when they listen and say what is deepest inside them, they create equality between two people, more effectively than any law.” ~Theodore Zeldin, Scholar
Culture shift agency is Here To Help
We host, teach and facilitate powerful, inclusive conversations
that build cultures of trust, collaboration, and care through highly crafted virtual or in-person programs.
Conversation Facilitation, Design, and Consultation
Work with us to design and facilitate a conversation experience that fits your needs.
“There is something that you do that gets beyond the bullshit very quickly that I’d like to learn.”
- Chip Hauss, Senior Fellow for Innovation at the Alliance for Peacebuilding, 30-year peacebuilder, author of 16 books
Conversation Incubator
Our signature 12-month culture-building program that gets beneath the surface.
Monthly Conversation Experiences over food (called BreakBread), monthly skills-building classes, and coaching that over time, support new ways of relating and puts stakes in the cultural ground of your organization.
BreakBread Activator
Activate your board, team, or event through intentionally crafted, meaningful, and nourishing gatherings.
Conversation Activators bring people together to literally break bread while connecting over deeper, more meaningful conversation. Whether we’re working with your key leadership, an organizational team, or a corporate board we work with you to craft a series of experiences that build trust and nurture care in your organization.
“I’m feeling understood. It was incredible to see the commonality in the feelings.”
Our approach may be a shift for you: Embodied Conversation
At Culture Shift Agency we practice embodied conversation. We also teach others how to hold embodied conversations.
What Is Embodied Conversation?
Embodied Conversation is the approach we practice based on listening deeply and being more present. We engage our curiosity, weave connections, and witness non-judgmentally to build trust, intimacy, and our capacity for empathy. It is exercising that muscle commonly referred to as an open heart.
“Who” is Culture Shift agency?
Fearlessly led by Martha Williams and John Scilipote, we are a woman-owned, flexible agency rooted in artful expression, facilitation, sustainability, mindfulness, and vision. With each project, we are cast together with fellow creatives, innovators, and firebrands across diverse backgrounds and disciplines. We are adaptively receptive to your mission and purpose. We are rabid interdisciplinarians. We are wildly resourceful. We are hell-bent on building community and changing the world!
Martha Williams | Chief Dream Officer
Martha, co-founder and CDO (Chief Dream Officer) of Culture Shift Agency and host of the Culture Shift Podcast, is a brand/media director and process facilitator/inventor and long-time Certified Personal Co-Active Coach (CPCC). She’s worked with NeuroLeadership, Intel, Connoisseurs, The Kinetix Group, to name a few.
An award-winning writer/director, Martha brings unique perspectives and insight to business, leadership, and a myriad of other waves she’s either making or riding. She has had a 20-year career that has crossed many genres, from sustainability to creative and executive coaching/facilitation to branding/media development – all of which is bridged by a penchant for agitating the invisible personal and cultural fabric that binds us together. Martha’s latest media work, a short-form series about love and dating, recently hit 7 million views on YouTube with 25K subscribers.
John Scilipote | Chief Bridge Builder
John, co-conspirator and co-founder of Culture Shift Agency and co-producer of the Culture Shift Podcast, is a technology/brand director and process facilitator/inventor. He’s worked with Sony, PinkFund, Cambridge University Press, IBM, and Tiger21 to name just a few.
An accomplished entrepreneur, musician, yogi, poet, and healer, John brings a breadth of talent, passion, and depth to bear in business, facilitation, and whatever else he happens to be plunging into at any given moment. With a 30 year career that spans music performance & production, education/training, technology development, and digital marketing, John is focusing his vision on helping others awaken to and realize a more balanced, collaborative, and sustainable future for all.
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