“We define culture shift as a profound change in position, direction, or tendency in the way we relate to ourselves, each other or our environments. It’s an awakening in awareness – individually and societally. How can we do better?
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What Is Prison Really For? A Culture Shift Conversation With Dr. Baz Dreisinger, author, activist, professor at John Jay College, and founder of Incarceration Nations Network
Join host Martha Williams as she talks with Dr. Dreisinger about the role of prison in justice and the greater society. She says, our current system, based on punishment and revenge, serves neither those imprisoned nor society as a whole. An advocate of abolishing prison as we know it, Dr. Dreisinger holds out hope for a more just, humane approach that confronts systemic inequality, racism, and other underlying issues perpetuated in our capitalist system of mass incarceration.
Healing Racism, the Taproot of America with Dr. Gail Christopher, Exec. Dir. of the National Collaborative for Health Equity & a Sr. Scholar at George Mason University Center for the Advancement of Well-Being
Join host Martha Williams as she talks with Dr. Gail Christopher, the visionary for and architect of the Truth Racial Healing and Transformation effort for America, launched in 2017 by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and several other foundations.
The Real Origin Story of Climate Change, with Sara Jolena Wolcott, M. Div., Director of Sequoia Samanvaya
Sara shares how her quest to understand the deep roots of climate change led her on a global odyssey from sustainable international development to becoming a traveling musician in India where she recognized arts and spirituality as key forces in crafting regenerative cultures to originating the story of climate change within the historical context of colonization
Challenging the Culture of Gender Inequality
with Michelle P. King, author of The Fix & Director of Inclusion at Netflix
Join host Martha Williams as she talks with Michelle P. King, who, after sixteen years working with major Fortune 500 companies as a gender equality expert, realized one simple truth—the tired advice of fixing women doesn’t fix anything because it's our workplace CULTURE that holds inequality in place.
Culture Shift Podcast Episode 06 Rethinking Gender Through Embodiment with Ava Pipitone (they, them, theirs)
Join host Martha Williams as she talks with Ava Pipitone, social entrepreneur (Host Home, Suyana) and futurist, about how Ava's journey to finding true embodiment has led them on a quest to re-think gender personally and societally.
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Episode 05: What is Gender Reconciliation? with Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin of Gender Equity & Reconciliation International
Join host Martha Williams as she talks with the founders of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) about the importance of healing the gender divide and understanding the cultural context for why this work matters, men, women and the entire gender spectrum.
Gender Equity and Reconciliation International creates rare forums where people share - and hear - the unheard, often taboo stories around gender conditioning and sexuality. Founders Will Keepin PhD and Cynthia Brix PhD (hon) have conducted trainings for over 6,300 people in 11 countries, since the mid-nineties. Will’s background is in mathematical physics and environmental science, and Cynthia is an ordained interfaith minister.
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Episode 04: Creating Cultures of Belonging With Inclusion Innovator and Author Jennifer Brown
Jennifer Brown is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, diversity and inclusion consultant, and author of two books: How To Be An Inclusive Leader and Inclusion; Diversity in the Workplace & the Will to Change.
When podcast host, Martha Williams, asked Jennifer, what do people need to know about the power of inclusion? She said, everyone wants to belong and everyone has something they don't feel like they can bring to work. She says there are dimensions of diversity that are below the waterline, or unseen, or unacknowledged as "diverse." If we took into account all the ways we are diverse, we can start to understand how we all benefit from cultures of inclusion.
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Introduction: Welcome Culture Shifters! with Host, Martha Williams
Welcome Culture Shifters (and culture shifter wannabes)! Join Martha Williams and the Culture Shift team as we talk to thinkers, innovators, activists and artists making big change in our world through bold ideas and innovative work.
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Episode 02: Integration of Masculine & Feminine in the Workplace with Sean Harvey
Sean Harvey, Chief Compassion Officer at Symponia, Inc., and former head of Personal Transformation and Wellbeing at EILEEN FISHER, shares his healing journey to become an integrated man through the power of feminine leadership and what he thinks will help heal the gender divide in corporate America.
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Episode 03: Aversions to Creative Thinking & the Way Forward, With Creative Economist Neil Ramsay
Neil Ramsay, Creative Economist, talks about how othering, uncertainty (risk aversion) and siloing keeps us locked in sameness and how creative shifts in thinking can help solve problems. What if we all took the perspective “I am you.”
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Episode 01: The Process of Peace with Process Activist, Susan Coleman
Susan Coleman is a conflict resolution facilitator and the creator of The Peacebuilding Podcast. Susan considers herself a “process activist” and says if we want a more peaceful world, we need to learn new ways of relating and create better containers for communication.
About Culture Shift Podcast
Culture Shift Podcast interviews thinkers, activists, innovators, and artists, who defy the status quo through bold, systems-oriented, creative work in all kinds of fields.
We hope to inspire listeners to be critical, engaged and thoughtful in their own lives and to further the intellectual understanding of the culture we live in and ways we can wake up to and change the stagnate thinking that permeates our lives and wraps around us like an invisible cloak.
Martha and John setting up the shot with Liz.